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  • Brooding Equipment Checklist

    Correct brooding conditions are important for getting chicks off to a good start. You can accurately assess the conditions into which the chicks are being placed by having the correct equipment at your disposal. Read more

  • Ross Note: Feed and Nutrition Management for Ross 308 AP Parent Stock in North America

    The Ross 308 AP is a robust bird with outstanding broiler characteristics and excellent reproductive performance providing a well-balanced package for the broiler industry. This product was first launched in Latin America, and after a period of familiarization, our customers… Read more

  • Ross Broiler Management Pocket Guide

    This Pocket Guide was produced to complement the Ross Broiler Management Handbook. It should be used as a quick and practical reference for broiler stock management. Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Bacterin Usage

    A good vaccination program, along with proper flock management and biosecurity, plays a key role in the health and productivity of broiler breeders. The use of bacterins has been shown to lessen the effects of certain diseases by giving the bird resistance to harmful pathoge… Read more

  • Ross Note: Bacterin Usage

    A good vaccination program, along with proper flock management and biosecurity, plays a key role in the health and productivity of broiler breeders. The use of bacterins has been shown to lessen the effects of certain diseases by giving the bird resistance to harmful pathoge… Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Mycoplasmosis Prevention and Control

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) are bacteria that infect chickens and other birds, causing mild to severe clinical disease. These pathogenic organisms continue to evolve and cause economic losses for poultry producers in many regions of the world. Read more

  • Ross Note: Mycoplasmosis Prevention and Control

    Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) are bacteria that infect chickens and other birds, causing mild to severe clinical disease. These pathogenic organisms continue to evolve and cause economic losses for poultry producers in many regions of the world. Read more

  • Video Series: Weighing Broiler Breeders (2019)

    This is the fourth video in the “Managing Flock Uniformity of Parent Stock” series and covers the importance of accurate weighing and keeping records, how to bulk and individually weigh broiler breeders and what to do if weights deviate from expectations. Read more

  • Video Series: Managing Flock Uniformity (2016)

    The Aviagen Managing Flock Uniformity Video is an umbrella video introducing the importance of parent stock uniformity for future flock performance. It is the first in a series of tutorial videos covering different aspects of parent stock management. Read more

  • Video Series: Lighting for Broilers (2010)

    This video discusses the impact of darkness exposure on welfare and productivity of modern commercial broilers, citing the scientific evidence on which Aviagen’s lighting recommendation for broilers are based. Read more

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